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Thread: 1408 [possible spoilers]

  1. #1
    1408 [possible spoilers] Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    1408 [possible spoilers]

    I didn't see a thread on here about this movie, so I took it upon myself to create it .

    So, comments about the movie? A rating, 1-10?

    ***** Spiolers below *****

    I personally enjoyed the movie, being a fan of Stephen King and having read the short story before seeing the movie, I thought it was a really good book to movie creation. A few things were off though, like the color of the wallpaper. It was suppose to be this disgusting orange/yellow tint if I remember correctly, and as the insanity increases, it was suppose to become more vibrant and annoying. Also, there was a picture in the room in the story of these people sitting around a dinner plate... or something like that, and after a while he was suppose to view his head on the plate... anyway, other than that, the movie was done very well, and I actually enjoyed the ending. He was suppose to die in the story, but in the movie they ended it quite well.

    All together, I give it an 8 out of 10.
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  2. #2
    there is a spoiler option....its black box right next to the php maybe use it next time.

    But overall i had very very high hopes for this film, starring of course one of my fave actors, Mr. John Cusack. The movie got me going form the very beginning, and didn't let go, Cusacks character was very beleivable ad well done. I was actually quite creeped out, which is a rarity in films these days, it wasn't predicatble IMO atleast, and the ending was very classy.

    overall 8/10
    or 8 skulls out of 10..teehee
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  3. #3
    1408 [possible spoilers] Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    The point of not using the black box was so I didn't have to pick through my post and section certain parts off, it's much easier to just state it in the subject...
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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    My Bot slicing Brother, Zero

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Momo Mastermind
    The point of not using the black box was so I didn't have to pick through my post and section certain parts off, it's much easier to just state it in the subject...
    It takes two seconds. Put the whole paragraph in the spoiler box.

    I was pleasantly entertained. I had low expectations of the film, but it turned out to be pretty good. I could have used more Samuel L. Jackson, though. I did have a problem, though.

    There have been so many deaths in the room. What do the two that chase him have that the others didn't? Specifically the one he touched in the ventilator.

  5. #5
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I liked this a lot.

    I went and saw it with my boyfriend a few weeks ago. I really liked it, being a fan of horror and psychology. My boyfriend seemed to enjoy it too, despite the fact it made him jump a lot. (Cute? My goodness, yes!)

    John Cusacks' eye make-up was weird, though. Too much eyeliner on the guy.

    All around enjoyed the film, though. Excellent stuff.

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  6. #6
    ^_^ Well i went to see it with you, so im sure you already know how i feel. It was a really good movie, i was surprised. It was one of the truly scary movies i have ever seen. Not "gore, im going to rip you to shred, saw" type movie, it was really good and i enjoyed it. I would like to read the short story some time. I may need to find the DVD version because it is supposed to have an alternate, or extended ending or something ^_^

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  7. #7
    Registered User 1408 [possible spoilers] DarkIrvine's Avatar
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    I saw it some time ago and I actually liked it a lot. It's a great thriller, in my opinion, and there are some scenes that really make you hold your breath (or, at least, is the effect it made on me!)!
    Anyway, I give it 8 out of 10.

  8. #8
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    ok i am really suprised i havent posted on this one yet. i loved this movie. i would have to say it was a great rendition of a king novel, the best in many many years. i must say that king has redeemed hiself atleast until his next crap made for TV movie comes out.
    cusac kicked ass in this. i didnt realize what all could be done with techniacaly one room and one man. brilliance. 9/10
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